Dr. Nandkumar Baburao Bodhgire

Dr. Nandkumar Baburao Bodhgire

Assistant Professor

Applied Economics, School of Social Sciences

S.R.T.M.University, Nanded – 431 606

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Personal & Academic Information:
Date of Birth: 05.03.1983
Qualification: BA, MA (Economics), Bed, NET, PhD
Specialization: Mathematical Economics, Econometrics, and Development Economics.
Teaching Experience: UG: 01
  PG: 11
Courses taught till date Econometrics, Mathematics for Economics, Statistics, Macro Economics, Micro Economics, Research Methodology, Financial Institutions and Markets, Economics of Development and Planning
Thrust Areas of Research: Financial Economics Behavioural Economics
Summary of Academic Career:

Dr. Nandkumar Baburao Bodhgire is currently working as Assistant Professor and I/C Head, Department of Applied Economics, School of Social Sciences, S.R.T.M.University, Nanded (Maharashtra State). Recently, he has successfully completed a Minor Research Project entitled “Mapping the Multidimentional Poverty Index of Tribal Women” which was funded by Maharashtra State Commission for Women, Mumbai. He has published a book on “Behavioural Approach of Investors” in Jan 2018. He obtained PhD in the discipline of Behavioural Economics in 24th May 2017. He has written one chapter on “Income, Poverty and Livelihood” in the Human Development Report of Bid District. This report is funded by YASHADA, Pune (MH). He completed a Minor Research Project on “Comparative Study of Risky and Non Risky Investment” which is funded by SRTM University, Nanded in April 2014. Recently he has presented the research paper on “Infant Mortality Rate and Women who have 10 or more years of Schooling in India: A State wise correlation and regression analysis “in Indian Sociological Conference at Mysure which is held on 27th, 28th and 29th Dec 2018. He is acted as Mentor and qualified for the online course “Soft Skills”. He is also enrolled the ARPIT course of Economics. He qualified the online course: Mathematical Economics.

Research Publications:   Others : 02
UGC     : 05
Conference Proceedings : 02
Books (National level) : 01
Research Projects:  Ongoing       : 
Completed   : 02
Total Outlay : 200000
Selected Publication List:
  1. “Risk Perception Level of Salaried and Self-employed People about Investment in Share Market, Commodity Market, Forex Market, and Mutual Fund in Nanded City” in an Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance with Online ISSN : 2249-7323(07th Oct 2014).
  2. “Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test for Household Saving in an Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance with Online ISSN :2249-7323 (August 2015) (vol.5, No.8, pp-72).
  3. Financial Stability of Public Sector Banks in India” in an Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance with Online ISSN: 2249-7323(online), Vol. 7, No.2, February 2017, 61-68.
  4. The Status of Multidimensional Poverty  of Maharashtra State” in an Asian Journal of Research in  Social Science and Humanities”, online ISNN: 2249-7315, vol. 8, issue 08 , 19 September 2018, SJIF Impact Factor: 5.997 (2017).
  5. An Analysis of African Continent: using ANOVA Techniques for Economic Indicators” in Interdisciplinary International Conference Contemporary Issues & Challenges in Social Sciences and Languages, special issue published by Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (AIIRJ) ISNN 2349-638x, peer review and indexed journal impact factor 4.574., page no. 143 to 146.
Resource Person:
Guest Lectures:  06
Positions Held:

Working as Warden of Boys’ Hostel

Working as NAAC Committee Core member

Working as Training and Placement Committee Member

Seminars/Conferences/Workshops etc attended:   09

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