Prof. Dr. Dipak Baburao Panaskar |
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Personal & Academic Information: | |
Date of Birth: | 15-May-64 |
Qualification: | B.Sc. (Hons), M. Phil. Ph. D., F.G.S.I. |
Specialization: | Environmental Geology, Remote Sensing and GIS, Metamorphic Petrology, Geochemistry |
Teaching Experience: | PG: 30 |
Courses taught till date |
Environmental Geology |
Summary of Academic Career |
I have done M. Sc. (Geology) in 1986, M. Phil. (Geology) in 1989 and Ph. D. (Geology) in 1996 from Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, formerly University of Pune. Presently I am working as Professor and Head, Environmental Sciences in School of Earth Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra, India. I have 30 years of Teaching and research experience from 1986 to 1996 at Department of Geology and Department of Environmental Science, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, and since August 1996 at School of Earth Sciences, S.R.T.M. University, Nanded. I have specialization in Environmental Geology, Remote Sensing and GIS, Geochemistry subjects. I have been awarded Best Teacher Award by S.R.T.M. University, Nanded (2010-2011) and Ideal Teacher State Award by Government of Maharashtra (2012-2013). I have been awarded Dr. Sudarshan Pani - Dr. Rama Dwivedy Medal in the Field of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geochemistry, Indian Society of Applied Geochemists (ISAG), Hyderabad (2018). I have been also awarded Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhi Vyasanmukti Seva Puraskar for Social Work, Government of Maharashtra (2018-2019). I have Five visits abroad i) Glasgow, Scotland, UK for training (1988) ii) Bangkok for Conference (Chairman for Session and presented a paper) (2010) and iii) Houston, U.S.A. for Conference (Chairman for Two Sessions, Member, Advisory Board and presented a paper) (2016). iv) Tunisia for Conference (Chairman for Session and presented Paper) (2019) v) Egypt visited famous Giza Pyramid (2019). I have Published Total 67 research papers, 24 in International, 39 in National and 4 in Regional Research Journals. I have successfully guided 13 Ph. D. and 5 M. Phil. students and presently guiding 8 Ph. D. students. I have completed 15 Research projects with a total outlay of Rs. 141.74 Lakhs. I have published 3 books. I have worked as a Subject Expert for Nanotechnology Vishwakosh, Maharashtra State Vishwakosh Nirmiti Mandal, Mumbai. I have 20 years of administrative experience and worked on different Statutory Authorities in various capacities: I was In charge Vice-Chancellor, S.R.T.M. University, Nanded (30/6/2014 to 15/7/2014), Director, Board of College and University Development, S.R.T.M. University, Nanded (19/09/2013 to 28/02/2017), Dean, Faculty of Science, S.R.T.M. University, Nanded (23/9/2011- 28/5/2012), Management Council Member, S.R.T.M. University, Nanded (10/7/2012 to 28/2/2017), Senate Member, S.R.T.M. University, Nanded (11/10/2010 to 31/8/11 & 19/3/2012 to 28/02/2017), Academic Council Member, S.R.T.M. University, Nanded (2010 to 28/02/2017), Member, BUTR 13/7/2012 to 18/09/2013, Secretary BUTR (19/09/2013 to 28/02/2017), Director School of Earth Sciences, S.R.T.M. University, Nanded (12/08/2010 to 18.09.2013), Head, Department of Environmental Science, (June 2006 to 19/9/2013 and 21/03/2017 to till date), School of Earth Sciences, S.R.T.M. University, Nanded, Coordinator, Environmental Technology, SES, S.R.T.M.U, Nanded (2001 to 2006), Nodal Officer RUSA, S.R.T.M. University, Nanded (2015 to 28/2/2017), Professor In charge, Students Welfare Department, S.R.T.M.U, Nanded (2007 to 2008) Rector, Boys & Girls Hostel, S.R.T.M. University, Nanded (29/7/2009 to Aug. 2013), Coordinator, Earn & Learn Scheme, S.R.T.M. University, Nanded (17/07/2009 to 18/09/2013), Member, Board of Management Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering & Technology, Nanded (since 21/10/2016), Coordinator, Key Resource Centre, Govt. of Maharashtra, Mumbai (2007 to 2009), Member, Finance and Accounts Committee, Member, Budget Preparation and Monitoring Committee, Member, Financial Audit Report Para Compliance Committee, Member, Purchase Committee, Member, Library Committee, Member, Expert Advisory Committee of Distance Education (26/05/2014 to 28/02/2017, 2017-1018), Member, Advisory Committee of Student Welfare Department (2014, 2015, 2016), Member, Grievance Redressal Committee. I am Fellow and Life Member of 9 professional society and Editorial Board Member and Reviewer for 11 International and National Journals. I have organised 21 and attended 30 International and National Conference/Symposia/Seminar/Workshop. I was a Member, Board of Studies and Member, Research Recognition Committee for 7 Universities of Maharashtra. I was a Member, Advisory Committee for Book- Sarvadarshi Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar (2016) NAAC section is one of the sections under Director, B. C. U. D. During my tenure S. R. T. M. University received A Grade (CGPA 3.06) on 03/03/2015. As a Member, Steering Committee, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) many activities were carried out to upgrade the quality in Teaching and Research. As a Convener organised 11th Maharashtra State Level State Level Research Convention Avishkar 2016 during 27-29 January 2017. I have looked after Academic development of Schools of the University Campus, Sub Center, Latur and Affiliated Colleges. During my tenure CBCS system was introduced and successfully implemented in all affiliated Colleges from Academic Year 2016-2017. During my tenure CGPA system was introduced and successfully implemented in all affiliated Colleges from Academic Year. 2014-2015. During my tenure CBCS system was introduced and successfully implemented in all the Schools of the Campus and Sub Center, Latur from Academic Year 2014-2015. As a Coordinator during my tenure One Teacher One Skill Scheme has been implemented in most of the affiliated Colleges and University Schools from Academic Year 2014-2015. I have prepared the Proposal for Rashtriya Ucchatar Siksha Abhiyan (RUSA) of Rs. 50 Crore for infrastructure development and RUSA Centre for Herbo Medicinal Studies of Rs. 1.50 Crore and the same has been sanctioned. I have worked as a Member, Expert Advisory Committee of Distance Education, Member, Advisory Committee of Student Welfare Department and Member, Advisory Committee, Uttamrao Rathod Tribal Development and Research Center, Kinwat. During my tenure as Director of the School of Earth Sciences School has been sanctioned UGC-SAP DRS-I with funds of Rs. 35.50 Lakh + Two Project Fellows and UGC-SAP BSR Scheme of Rs. 20.00 Lakh. I was instrumental in inviting Two Fulbright fellows to the School of Earth Sciences one Dr. Joe Morgan, Jacksonville Stater University, Jacksonville, Alabama, USA (01/08/2011 to 31/12/2011) and another Dr. Jim Jacob, Environmental Bio-Systems, Inc, CA, USA (15/01/2012 to 25/02/2012). During my tenure School had organized one International Workshop, two National Seminars and two National Workshops. |
Thrust Areas of Research: | Environmental Geology, Groundwater Pollution, Application of Remote Sensing and GIS |
Research Publications: | SCI : 41 |
Others : 18 | |
Conference Proceedings : 09 | |
Citations: | Google Scholar : 732 |
i-10 index: | 24 |
Paper Presentations: | 12 |
Research Guidance: | Ph.D. : Awarded - 13 Registered - 08 |
M.Phil. : Awarded - 05 | |
Research Projects: | Completed : 15 |
Total Outlay : 141.74 Lakhs | |
Selected Publications |
1) D. B. Panaskar , V. M. Wagh,, A. A. Muley, S. V. Mukate, R. S. Pawar, and M. L. Aamalawar (2016) Evaluating groundwater suitability for the domestic, irrigation, and industrial purposes in Nanded Tehsil, Maharashtra, India, using GIS and statistics. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, (Springer), V. 9, No. 13, pp.1-16, 9:615. (DOI 10.1007/s12517-016-2641-1) ISSN 1866-7511 (IF 1.224). 2) Wagh, V. M., Panaskar, D. B., Varade, A. M., Mukate, S. V., Gaikwad, S. K., Pawar, R. S., Muley A. A., & Aamalawar, M. L. (2016) Major ion chemistry and quality assessment of the groundwater resources of Nanded tehsil, a part of southeast Deccan Volcanic Province, Maharashtra, India. Environmental Earth Sciences, (Springer) V. 75, No. 21, pp. 1-26, 1418. (DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-6212-2) ISSN 1866-6280, (IF 1.768). 3) Hodlur, G. K., Dhakate Ratnakar, Sirisha, T. and Panaskar, D. B. (2010) Resolution of Fresh water and Saline water Aquifers by Composite Geophysical data analysis methods. Hydrological Science Journal (U. K.), V. 55, No. 3, pp. 414-434. |
Resource Person: | |
Invited Talks: | International : 05 |
National : 14 | |
State Level : 12 | |
Guest Lectures: | 05 |
Chaired Sessions: | 11 |
Extension/Outreach Activities: |
a) Popular Lectures Delivered on the Topic Rain Water Harvesting and Environment: Total 17 lectures have been delivered at different villages, Government departments, Rotary club and Bank. i) Rotry Club, Nanded, ii) Tamsa Village, iii) Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran, Nanded iv) Zillha Parishad, Nanded v) Harathwada Gramin Bank vi) Govt. Polytechnic, Nanded vii) NSS Camps (04), Mukhed, Thugaon, Zari, Tuppa viii) Bendhla village ix) ITI, Nanded x) Nagsen High School, Nanded xi) Nanded City. b) Arranged Rallies on the occasion of world Water Day, Vasundhara Din. c) MOC Interview for MTS & NTS Students: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Batch d) Judge: Acted as a Judge Ten times for different competitions. e) Academic Coordinator for National Children’s Science Congress 2009-2010 |
Positions Held:
Academics: |
1) Professor, School of Earth Sciences, S.R.T.M. University, Nanded (Since 25/08/2009) |
Programs organized/attended: | |
Seminars/conferences/Workshops organized: |
28 |
Seminars/conferences/Workshops attended: |
31 |
Honors /Awards received: |
a) Ideal Teacher State Puraskar, Government of Maharashtra (2012-2013) b) Best Teacher Award, S. R. T. M. University, Nanded (2010-2011) c) Dr. Sudarshan Pani-Dr. Rama Dwivedy Medal for contribution during 2008-2018 in the field of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geochemistry, Indian Society of Applied Geochemists (ISAG) (2018) d) Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhi Vyasanmukti Seva Puraskar for Social Work, Government of Maharashtra (2018-2019) |
Dr. Dipak Baburao Panaskar
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