Dr. Hari Shankarrao Patode

Dr. Hari Shankarrao Patode
Associate Professor
School of Earth Sciences
S.R.T.M.University, Nanded – 431 606

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Personal & Academic Information:  
Date of Birth: 13/03/1966
Qualification: B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D.(Geology), LL.B.
Specialization: Hydrogeology
Teaching Experience: PG: 23
Courses taught till date: M.Sc. Geology/Geophysics; M.Sc./M.A. Geography/ PG. Diploma in Geo-informatics and P.G. Diploma in Geoexploration Resource and Mining skills (One year PG. Diploma).
Summary of Academic Career: I did my M.Sc. Geology from Government Institute of Science Aurangabad, Maharashtra India. I join in this University as Lecturer in School of Earth Sciences in 2nd July 1996. I awarded Ph.D. in Geology in June, 2003 in same University under the subversion of Prof. Dr. R.D. Kaplay, School of Earth Sciences. I am actively engage in teaching, research and extension activities. My research area is Groundwater pollution studies, Identification of groundwater potential zones and Watershed Management.
Thrust Areas of Research: Groundwater pollution, Watershed Management and Identification of Groundwater potential zones etc.
Research Publications:   UGC : 32
Conference Proceedings : 10
Citations: Google Scholar : 52
i-10 index:  3
Paper Presentations:  4
Book Publications: Book Chapter : 2
Research Guidance: Ph.D.   :  Awarded - 3               Registered - 3
M.Phil. :  Awarded - 2  ( Geology) ; Geography ; 02        
Research Projects:   One Pilot project Rs. 1.25 Lakh DST, Co –Investigator
One University project Rs. 50,000/-, Co- Investigator
Selected Publications:

Groundwater pollution due to industrial effluent at Tuppa, New Nanded, Maharashtra, India RD Kaplay, HS Patode
Environmental Geology 46 (6-7), 871-882 Groundwater quality in an industrial area of Tuppa, Nanded, Maharashtra R. D. Kaplay, HS Patode, DB Panaskar
Pollution Research 17, 251-254
Study of trace elements in groundwater in and around Hingoli Region, Maharashtra, India MT Godbole, HS Patode Amer. Inter. Jour. Res. Formal and Applied and Natural Sci, 151-155

Resource Person:  
Invited Talks:  National : 5
Guest Lectures:  1
Chaired Sessions:  1
Positions Held:  
Academics: Coordinator, Scheme for SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy) and Minority students under XII plan.
School Coordinator, for M.Phil. Geology,
Coordinator, of One year PG.Diploma Course “Geo-exploration Resource and Mining skills.
Member of, prevention of cast based discrimination in Higher Educational Institutions.
Extension/Outreach Activities:  2
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organised:  01
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops attended:   31

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