M.Sc. Geology Program Objective and Program Outcome

Program Objectives:
The Master of Science program in Geology in the School of Earth Sciences offers an interdisciplinary Post-Graduate degree in Geology with the objective of educating students for success as a geo-scientist in government sector, public sector, private sector, research institutes, or further pursuit of Doctoral studies.

Program Outcomes:
During the two-year program, students identify, examine and understand different geological materials and also carry out their characterization using geological, geophysical, geochemical, and numerical-modeling techniques. The students learn geologic field mapping, statistical analysis of the data, computer techniques and software, microscopy, fossil identification, groundwater behavior and environmental issues related to Planet Earth. At the end of the program student will be able to understand the spatial and temporal relationships between Earth processes and products, and development and evolution of Earth spheres (Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Biosphere).
Exploration for economically useful Earth material is another important outcome of the present program. The student will be able to assess Geo-hazards including earthquakes, floods, landslides, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions and mechanisms for mitigating the damages. Submission of Dissertation based on their project work is an important component of Masters Program in Geology. Students take-up a geologic problem and utilize theoretical, analytical or experimental approach to solve the problem through their dissertation work. The students will be able to defend their thesis in an open forum. It is strongly encouraged to publish the thesis in reputed research journals.

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