Thrust area of research o School of Life Sciences is on anti-biofilm activity potential of bio-molecules, anti-oxidant and anti-sickling activity of formulations under the UGC-SAP Phase-II. In addition to this the faculty members from the School of Life Sciences pursuing research activities in following different areas
- Enzyme, pharmaceutical and Nano-bitechnology
- Bioactive molecules from actinobacteria
- Extremophiles biodiversity
- Plant tissue culture, fruit and vegetable processing.
- Avian ecology, Fish Parasitology
- Mycorhizal diversity
- Phytochemical analysis and biochemistry.
- Microbial enzymes, Biosurfactants and bioactive compounds
- Development of heat tolerant and climate resilient wheat cultivars
Extension activities
- Filaria awareness program at filarial endemic village- Pethwadaj, Dist. Nanded
- Identification of plants having medicinal value
- Popular lectures on Life Sciences.
- Celebration of Biotechnology Day and to dissimilate knowledge of biotechnology.