Research and Extension Activities

Thrust area of research o School of Life Sciences is on anti-biofilm activity potential of bio-molecules, anti-oxidant and anti-sickling activity of formulations under the UGC-SAP Phase-II. In addition to this the faculty members from the School of Life Sciences pursuing research activities in following different areas

  1. Enzyme, pharmaceutical and Nano-bitechnology
  2. Bioactive molecules from actinobacteria
  3. Extremophiles biodiversity
  4. Plant tissue culture, fruit and vegetable processing.
  5. Avian ecology, Fish Parasitology
  6. Mycorhizal diversity
  7. Phytochemical analysis and biochemistry.
  8. Microbial enzymes, Biosurfactants and bioactive compounds
  9. Development of heat tolerant and climate resilient wheat cultivars

Extension activities

  1. Filaria awareness program at filarial endemic village- Pethwadaj, Dist. Nanded
  2. Identification of plants having medicinal value
  3. Popular lectures on Life Sciences.
  4. Celebration of Biotechnology Day and to dissimilate knowledge of biotechnology.

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