- Excellent academic atmosphere, student centric learning activities, need-based curriculum up-gradation, proven teaching abilities and dedicated staff
- Faculty with high research potential and dedicated teachers and scholars are the strengths of the School
- High-index and high-impact research publications in journals of highest international status
- Exceptionally high number of citations earned by these publications (over 10,000) delineate the research potential of the School.
- Research training in the form of dissertation at the master’s level, inculcate research aptitude at the early stage of the students
- High demand ratio of the course
- Important and preferred destination for the learning in Astronomy
- Elevation in success rate in NET/SET/GATE examinations
- Significant amount of research funds generated through funded research schemes of UGC, CSIR, DST, ISRO, MEDA, RGSCT and foreign agencies
- The strong collaborative research linkages with the leading national and international universities and institutes indicate its academic acceptance at global level
- Participation of the School faculty in the national and international level cutting-edge mega projects is icing on its cake
- Identified as the Best School of SRTMU by academic audit committees
Major Achievements and Special Features
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