Director, Knowledge Resource Center



Dr. J. N. Kulkarni

I/c Director, Knowledge Resource Center

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Dr. Jagdish Narharrao Kulkarni is working as a Librarian in Professor’s Grade since 2013 and has additional charge of University Librarian/ Director, of Knowledge Resource Center of Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded since 2012. He is having 26 years of professional experience in field of Library & Information Science on different positions.

About the Center which he leads:

The Center which he leads is the Central Library of the University. It is known as Knowledge Resource Center as per nomenclature given by Maharashtra Public Universities Act, 2016. The KRC has collection of more than 74000 books and other reading material, which includes theses, reports, reference books etc. KRC subscribes different print journals and periodicals. The KRC preserves local history through a special collection on Hyderabad Freedom Struggle Movement as this area was under the then Nizam state before independence. The KRC also have good number of Braille books collection for visually challenged Divyangjan. KRC users can access number of e-resources as a part of Shodhsindhu of UGC INFLIBNET program. KRC also subscribed few online e-resources as well. 

Achievements of the KRC:

The KRC completed a UGC- INFLIBNET project of digitization of theses worth Rs. 17.56 Lakh and digitized its entire print theses collection. The theses submitted to this university are uploaded on Shodhganga repository of INFLIBNET and university stands on fourth position in comparison with other universities of Maharashtra. KRC uploads proposals of Ph. D. on Shodhgangontri. The university stands on second position at National level in Shodhgangotri. KRC provides similarity check (Plagiarism) services since 2015 to researchers and authors of the scholarly publications. The KRC is automated with Integrated Library Management System SOUL 2.0. Users can search availability of books in the KRC through WEBOPAC. Information and Communication Technologies have been adopted in every walk of library activities viz. maximum communication through e-mails, preservation digital copy of accession registers, barcode readers, SMS service, KRC user group for communication etc. Users are promoted for the use of National Digital Library of India.

Basic information:

Dr. Kulkarni is well known library professional in the field. He born on 12th January 1972 in the village Halda in Kandhar Tehsil of Nanded district. His affection for books and reading attracted him towards education in Library and Information Science.

Educational Qualification:

He did first a certificate course in Library science (1988) B. Sc. (1992) and then B. Lib & I. Sc. in 1993 followed by M. Lib. & I. Sc. in 1994 from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. He qualified SET in 1995. He completed his Ph. D. from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University under the able guidance of Prof. AshiwiniVaishnav on the topic 'Mapping of CALIBER, NACLIN and IASLIC Proceedings: A Scientometric study’.

Professional Experience:

He was a Library trainee in Center for Environment Education at Ahmedabad (1994-1995). After completion of training he worked as a librarian in APTECH, Aurangabad, as a Lecturer in Shri Sharadchandra Pawar College of Library Science in Aurangabad, Librarian in Maharashtra Agricultural Marketing Board Pune (1995-1996), Smt. Chandibai Himmatmal Mansukhani College, Ulhasnagar Dist. Thane (1996-1998) then he shifted to Sant Janabai Arts, Commerce and Science College, Gangakhed Dist. Parbhani (1998-1999).  He got opportunity to join in the capacity of an Assistant Librarian in newly established Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded in 1999.  He had been promoted from an Assistant Librarian to Librarian – Professor Grade in 2013.

Teaching experience:

He is having experience of teaching to L.T.C., B. Lib. & I. Sc. M. Lib. & I. Sc. and M. Phil programs for 20 years. He supervised many post-graduate projects, M. Phil. Dissertations and Ph. D. theses. Two researchers awarded M. Phil and two researchers awarded Ph. D. under his guidance. Two Ph. D. researchers presented their Pre Ph. D. seminar. Five more researchers working under him for Ph. D. He evaluated Ph. D. theses in Library and Information Science from different universities.


He has completed one Major and one Minor Research Project and currently he is working on a Minor Research project.


He authored/co-authored/edited nine books, twenty two research papers in UGC approved national & international journals, twenty two research papers in reputed journals, thirty chapters in books, twelve research papers in national, international, and state-level conference proceedings, forty five popular articles in newspapers. He is member of editorial board of IP Indian Journal of Library Science and Information Technology.

Work on Committees:

He is working as a Member Secretary of the Knowledge Resource Committee and a member of Senate of the University (since 2012), He worked on Library Committee, Research Allocation Committee, Research Recognition Committee, Affiliation committee, College inspection committee, Selection committees, Infrastructure & Learning Resources Sub-Committee of IQAC, SRTMU, UGC 12th  Plan Development Grant Scheme Utilization Committee for Books and Journals, BOS in LIS (in Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangavad & Rajrshi Shahu Autonomous College Latur), Academic Council,  University Diary Committee, Review and Planning of Campus School Libraries, Rules for Book publication and royalty committee, Scrutiny Committees for teaching and non-teaching posts in SRTMU, Nanded, and many more committees as a member or chairman. He is the University Coordinator of the Shodhanga Project and the National Digital Library. 

Professional association:

He is associated with several professional’s associations like Indian Library Association (ILA), Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers (IASLIC), Indian Association of Teachers in Library and Information Science (IATLIS) and Maharashtra University Officers forum.  He is Vice president of Prof. V. R. Dadge Foundation and a Coordinator of Maharashtra University and College Library Association (MUCLA) SRTMU sectional council.

Foreign visit and conferences attended:

He visited Bangkok, Thailand to attend International conference. He has attended many conferences, workshops, seminars, and symposiums at state, national and international level, as a participant, guest, invited speaker, resource person, keynote speaker, etc.


He is the recipient of Chatrapati Shivaji Raje Rashtriya Sanman Purskar 2012, Bharat Vidya Ratna Award 2017, Gurugaurav Rashtriya Sanman Purskar 2017, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar National Award 2017, distinguish Researcher Award of Late BS Arts, NG Science and AG Commerce College, Sakharkherda (2018), Best Librarian award of RULA, Tiruchirapali, Tamilnadu (2019) and Granthpal Seva Purskar 2020 of Marathi Newspaper Writers Association, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

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