Dr. Shailaja Bhujangrao Wadikar

Dr. Shailaja Bhujangrao Wadikar


School of Language,Literature and Culture Studies

S.R.T.M.University, Nanded – 431 606

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Personal & Academic Information:
Date of Birth: 18-Nov-71
Qualification: M A, SET, PGDTE, Ph. D
Specialization: Phonetics, Linguistics, Indian Theatre
Teaching Experience: UG: 02
  PG: 14
Courses taught till date Phonetics, Linguistics, Indian Literature in Translation
Summary of Academic Career

Completed three Major Research Projectsof UGC, New Delhi.

Delivered lectures as resource person at Refresher Courses, Seminars, Conferences

Completed Four Spells of the Associateship Programme of UGC, New Delhi at Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla

Thrust Areas of Research: Indian Theatre, Comparative Literature
 Research Publications:   UGC                                  : 15
Others                              : 03
Conference Proceedings :  17
Paper Presentations:  66
Book Publications:  Book Chapter        : 21
Books with ISBN   : 10
Research Guidance: Ph.D.   :  Awarded -     07           Registered - 05
M.Phil. :  Awarded -     04  
Research Projects:    Ongoing : One Major Research Project, Two Minor Research Projects, sanctioned by UGC, New Delhi
Total Outlay : 09
Selected Publications

1. Girish Karnad: A Contemporary Playwright. Atlantic, New Delhi.

2. Badal Sircar: People’s Playwright.Atlantic, New Delhi.

3. Hari Narayan Apte. Sahitya Akademi, Mumbai.

Resource Person:
Invited Talks:  National  : 16
Guest Lectures:  10
Chaired Sessions:  05
Positions Held:

Member, Senate, S R T M University, Nanded

Member, Board of Studies, S R T M University, Nanded

Presently, Director of the School

Extension/Outreach Activities: Delivered lectures on Women Empowerment Programmes, Reading Culture
Programs organized/attended:   
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops etc organised:  11
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops etc attended:   73

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