Dr. M. K. Patil Senior Professor School of Physical Sciences S.R.T.M. University, Nanded – 431 606 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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Personal & Academic Information: | |
Date of Birth: | 09-Feb-68 |
Qualification: | B. Sc., M. Sc., NET, Ph. D. |
Specialization: | Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Teaching Experience: | UG: 06 |
PG: 23 | |
Courses taught till date: |
Electrodynamics and Radiative Processes, Nuclear Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Electronics, Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysical Techniques, Stellar Physics, Observational Techniques and Instrumentation, Galaxies: Structure and Dynamics |
Summary of Academic Career: |
Dr. M. K. Patil, Professor and Director, did his Ph.D. in Observational Astronomy specializing in Properties of Interstellar Medium and Star Formation in Early-type galaxies. His research involves multi-frequency studies of early-type galaxies, X-ray astronomy, X-ray Binaries, Multiphase ISM, AGN variability, AGN feedback in galaxy clusters. Dr. Patil, in collaboration with lead researchers from national and international research institutes have carried out multi-frequency (spanning over from radio frequencies to X-rays) surface photometric analysis of a large sample of early-type galaxies with an objective of investigation origin of ISM in this class of galaxies and their formation scenarios. As regard to the issue of origin of gas and dust in early-type galaxies, they have estimated the dust/gas injection rate into the ISM by mass-losing evolved stars and have demonstrated that a major portion of the observed ISM must have acquired by the host systems through a merger like event. They have also investigate association of multi-phase ISM in this class of galaxies, for which they have employed high resolution X-ray data from NASA’s Chandra, ESA’s XMM-Newton space observatories. In-depth, homogeneous analysis of the multi-wavelength data enabled them to derive the morphological and spectral properties of multi-phase ISM in this class of galaxies. Dr. Patil is also involved in investigating effect of the nergy release by the central AGN on the inter-cluster edium (ICM) using high-resolution X-ray observations from Chandra and XMM-Newton space telescopes have shown that the X-ray emitting gas seen in the vicinity of the galaxies located at the centres of clusters and groups is not cooling directly from the plasma phase to the molecular phase, but instead is reheated before condensing on to the central galaxy. The current paradigm is that the AGN residing at the core of such cluster or group galaxies is responsible for this reheating of the cooling gas, pointing towards a more complicated feedback mechanism from the central galaxy. Dr Patil along with international collaborators have made attempts to quantify the power injected by the radio jets emanating from the central AGN into the intra-cluster medium (ICM) by measuring their pdV work done and observed that the power input by the AGN in most of the systems is capable of quenching the cooling flow at the centre of the clusters. The results derived from this study have been published in the research journals of highest impact factors like, Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS). Dr Patil and his scholars have also investigated a welath of discrete X-ray binary (XRB) population in star forming galaxies. They have investigated a large number of discrete sources in a set of dusty early-type galaxies, cumulative XLF of which was well constrained by a broken power law with a break the Eddignton luminosity of the 1.4 Msun neutron star. X-ray color-color plot for the discrete sources allowed them to examine their structural properties and to classify in different types like LMXBs, HMBs, ULXs, SNRs and heavily absorbed AGNs. Dr Patil and his scholars were also involved in the ground callbration of the Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager (CZTI), a hard X-ray detector onboard the first Indian Astronomical Space Satellite ASTROSAT. The CZTI is being mainly used for the X-ray imaging in the range between 10 – 100 keV and above 100 keV will act as an open detector. We were involved in developing codes, calibration work of checking overall performance, energy resolutions, stability, gain-offset determination, etc. the detector. He has also generated substantial amount of research grants under the funded schemes from various national funding agencies like DST, New Delhi; UGC, New Delhi; ISRO, Bangalore. In addition to the funded schemes, several of his observing proposals have been granted by the national and international funding agencies and have allocated substantial amount of observing times enabling him to get high quality imaging and spectroscopic data from these observatories. He has more than 45 research papers published in the high impact internationally renowned research journals at his credit, majority of which have appeared in the prestigious Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society with impact factor 5.3. He has been selected as an Associate of COSPAR (Committee on Space Application and Research), Paris, France and is awarded the prestigious Visiting Associateship of IUCAA, Pune since 2003. He has worked on various committees like college affiliation, Joint-Custodian of Central Assessment Program, Syllabus framing, etc. constituted by the university. He is also involved in various national and international programmes which include most ambitious cutting-edge technology project Laser Interferometry Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO-India) project, National Optical Large Telescope, Square Kilometer Array of Radio Observation setup at Australia, etc. He has also played significant role in the university campus development, administration and public outreach, extension activities, etc. He was instrumental in the development of the state-of-the-art astronomical observatory, high performance computational facility, WiMax internet facility development on the campus, International Students’ Centre, equal opportunity cell for the deprived students, etc. He has been also working on various committees like the member of the management council of the University, chairman of the board of studies in Physics, member of the academic council, member of the incubation, innovation, etc. |
Thrust Areas of Research: |
• Extragalactic Astronomy • AGN Physics • AGN feedback and its impact on ICM enrichment • Image Processing and Photometric study of galaxies • Dust extinction and Multiphase ISM in galaxies • Star formation in galaxies • XRB Population in Star Forming gal |
Research Publications: | SCI : 45 |
SCOPUS : 31 | |
Web of Science : 43 | |
UGC : 45 | |
Others : 02 | |
Conference Proceedings : 35 | |
Citations: | SCOPUS : 141 Google Scholar : 160 |
i-10 index: | 06 |
Paper Presentations: | 46 |
Research Guidance: | Ph.D. : Awarded - 5 Registered - 6 |
M.Phil.: Awarded - 5 | |
Research Projects: | Completed: 06, however, received funds in the form of support for more than 25 observational projects |
Total Outlay: 90 | |
Selected Publications: |
Resource Person: | |
Invited Talks: | International: 23 |
National : 45 | |
State Level : 27 | |
Guest Lectures: | 32 |
Chaired Sessions: | 12 |
Positions Held: | |
Academics: |
Administration: |
Association with various organizations: |
Extension/Outreach Activities: | Actively involved in science popularization and extension activities. delivering popular lectures, public lectures, organizing sky watch etc regular;y since last 25 years. |
Honors /Awards received: |
Programs organized/attended: | |
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops etc organised: | 36 |
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops etc attended: | 68 |
Dr. M. K. Patil
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