Dr. Vikas Tukaram Humbe This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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Personal & Academic Information: | |
Date of Birth: | 4/10/1981 |
Qualification: | B.Sc. M. Sc. Ph. D. Computer Science |
Specialization: | DIP |
Teaching Experience: | PG: 14 |
Courses taught till date: | Digital Image processing, Geographical Information System, Software Engineering, Java Programming, IPR and Internet Legislation, Web Technology, Computer Network. |
Summary of Academic Career: |
Dr. Vikas T. Humbe has done his M. Sc. (Computer Science) and Ph. D. (Computer Science) from Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad in 2003 and 2008 respectively. He has published 45 research papers in various National and International Journals and conferences. He is Editorial Member for International Journal on Computer Science and IT, also working as reviewer for various International and National Journals and Conferences like Eleswer’s Pattern Recognition Letters, IEEE’s Signal Processing Letters, Journal on Machine Vision and Applications, IEEE IJCNN 07 and 09, 14 ACVIT-09 etc. He has been worked as Technical Committee Member for National and International conferences and Journals. Recently he has visited at Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius University, Lithuania under Erasmus Mundus Fellowship of European Union as Visiting Faculty for two months. He is Life Member of Indian Science Congress, Kolkata, Senior Member IEEE, USA,Member IEEE, USA, Member of ACM , New York, Member of International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, Singapore, Member of International Association for Engineer’s, Hong Kong, and Member of Computer Science Teachers Association, USA. Also he is BoS Member of Solapur University, Solapur. 04 M. Phil and 01 completed and 04 Ph. D. scholars are working under his supervision. Presently he is working as Assistant Professor in School of Technology, SRTM University, Nanded (Sub-campus, Latur) and his area of research interest are Biometrics, Image Processing, Computer Vision and Video Processing. |
Thrust Areas of Research: | Image Analysis, Image enhancement, Image Segmentation, Visual cryptography, Image Processing & Pattern Recognition, Biometrics etc. |
Research Publications: | SCOPUS : 18 |
Web of Science : 32 | |
UGC : 18 | |
Others : 12 | |
Conference Proceedings : 34 | |
Citations: | SCOPUS : 52 Web of Science : 38 Google Scholar : 276 |
H-index: | SCOPUS : 04 Web of Science : 03 Google Scholar : 10 |
Paper Presentations: | 20 |
Book Publications: | Book Chapter : 2 |
Books with ISBN : 2 | |
Books edited : 2 | |
Research Guidance: | Ph.D. : Awarded - 3 Registered - 3 |
M.Phil. : Awarded - 8 | |
Selected Publications: |
Resource Person: | |
Invited Talks: | International : 2 |
National : 6 | |
State Level : 4 | |
Guest Lectures: | 25 |
Chaired Sessions: | 18 |
Positions Held: | |
Academics: |
Administration: |
Director- School of Technology (25th Sept 19-till date) MCA-Coordinator- Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad |
Association with various organizations: | Reviewer for Journal of Machine Vision and Applications, Springer-Verlag, Elsevier’s Pattern Recognition Letter, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, International Journal of Computer Engineering Research (Academic Journals) IEEE, Si |
Extension/Outreach Activities: | Delivered lectures on issues and challenges in Computer Science Research at various places. |
Honors /Awards received: | Received Erasmus Mundus Fellowship of European Union to visit Vilnius University under during 30 Nov 2015 to 30 Dec 2015 and 11th June 2017to 12th July 2017 |
Programs organized/attended: | |
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops attended: | 40 |
Dr. Vikas Tukaram Humbe
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